Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Fox and Girl Nov.26th 2013

Today is the beginning of a new series of 'painting-a-day' pieces. Something different occurs when I try to paint quickly, setting myself time limits and having ready-made images to work from. At the moment I'm only getting into the studio 3 days a week but the plan is to quickly complete a painting on these days before I start work on my bigger paintings.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Untitled/Unfinished Nov. 2013
A work in progress

This unfinished painting changes dramatically over the months and most of the image is painted over leaving only the girl in the yellow skirt. This became it's new title and the finished painting will be uploaded at a later date.
'Conditions of a less than settled everyday life", 2013

This group of images show the last few layers which I added to complete the painting. I'll post the image of the finished painting again to show it in its complexities. This painting is 180cms x 100cms and I've titled it 'Conditions of a less than settled everyday life', a phrase used by Anthony Vidler in his book Warped Space: Art, Architecture and Anxiety in Modern Culture, a book I used as a starting point for my MFA dissertation completed in 2012.
Over the last few months I've been looking for a way forward in my work which would explore the themes I researched in the dissertation and 'Conditions...' is an initial finished painting bringing together, figuration, architecture and a sense of anxiety or something uncomfortable in the collective context of the painting.
This group of paintings explain how a painting evolved over quite a few months going through many manifestations and changes. The final painting is titled LOOKING BACK and went on to win the Academy Studios Abroad prize for painting in 2015.